Sylvia Day
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IRELAND – Snippet #3

Disclaimer: May be edited or deleted prior to publication.

“My god, you’re infuriating!”

Eva watched as her husband straightened away from the jamb in an elegant unfolding of powerful muscle and steely-eyed determination. Butting heads with him was an exercise in patience—and arousal. He was a man who knew what he wanted and how to achieve it, and that level of supreme confidence turned her on as much as his devastating handsomeness.

It also exasperated the hell out of her sometimes.

As Gideon’s hands slid around to cup her buttocks and pull her close, Eva’s head tilted back to look up at him. A dozen blissful years together, yet the impact of his strikingly gorgeous face hadn’t lessened even a little. There were lines now. Faintly in his forehead and around the wickedly sensual mouth she’d felt over every inch of her body. They were also around his eyes. She loved them all but the crow’s-feet especially because they were laugh lines. Permanent echoes of joy. She’d helped to put them there, and it was what she was most proud of.